What we do

At Axinvest we ensure we take the time to understand your needs, goals and preferences before making any recommendations. We take the following steps to do this:

Initial contact

At a time that suits you via zoom, telephone or in person. We will ascertain your needs and requirements and you will submit your financial documents to us.

FactFind Meeting

We will collate your financial docs which will enable us to develop a better understanding of your financial situation and requirements. We will provide you with information about our service, the type of advice we offer and explain the costs involved. If there is anything you want to discuss, your initial FactFind meeting is the perfect time to ask any questions you may have.

Prepare Our Recommendations

Using the information provided to us, we will research the markets to review different products and providers for the most cost effective options available to you, These options are then analysed further and we prepare our recommendations to best suit you.

Presenting Our Recommendations

We will explain why we have chosen specific financial products for you and outline their features.

Implementing Recommendation

Once agreed by you we will process and complete all the necessary paperwork and liaise with all the parties involved to ensure the products are in place by deadlines set.


We will keep in contact with you and review your situation as and when needed.

Request A Free Consultation

Please leave your details below and we’ll give you a call back at a convenient time for you.

Your Details
What day and time is best for you?
Which services are you interested in?